Gravestone conservation and data recording - Fri, 8 Mar 2013 - 10:00 to 15:00

Early 18th century gravstone in Tillicoultry with trade and mortaility symbols

Come along to help us record and conserve the stones in Tillicoultry Upper Kirkyard, which include a 12th-century hogback stone, originally a Viking-influenced type of grave marker and quite rare in Scotland.


The results of the gravestone data recording survey will ultimately be included in a freely available, searchable database which can be accessed to read transcriptions of the text on the stones and view photographs of the symbols and character of the stones.


We will meet at 10am with the aim of working through until about 3pm, but you can drop in for all or part of the day - any and all help will be gratefully received. Please ensure you dress appropriately for the weather conditions, and bring lunch and snack to keep you going! 

Friday, March 8, 2013 -
10:00 to 15:00
Friday 8 March 2013
Tllicoultry Upper Graveyard, Fir Park
Event leader: 
Kirsty McAlister and Susan Mills
No booking required - just come along!
This event is FREE