
The Ochils Landscape Partnership is made up of 22 separate projects that are focused around the four key themes of the project's lead funder, the Heritage Lottery Fund:

  1. Conservation and/or restoration of the built and natural features that create the historic landscape character
  2. Increase community participation in local heritage
  3. Increase access to and learning about the landscape area and its heritage
  4. Increase training opportunities in local heritage skills

The Ochils Landscape Partnership is committed to ensuring the project area (Logie Old Kirk to Muckart, up into the Ochils and down south of the river Devon) benefits from an improving quality of life, based on sustainable economic growth, a high quality environment which is protected and enhanced for future generations, and the reduction of significant social and economic inequalities. As such, our activities have an important role to play in achieving this.

Mitigating and adapting to climate change

  • Where possible we aim to use goods and services which have low energy and water consumption, and low waste, across their lifetime, and have a low carbon footprint.
  • We take into account the likely impacts of climate change when specifying projects.

Creating sustainable communities

  • Where possible we aim to ensure that our projects results in benefits to local communities.
  • We work with small and medium sized enterprises, including social enterprises.

Living within environmental limits

  • We avoid unnecessary purchases, and we re-use products and materials where possible.
  • We require suppliers of products and services to reduce the waste associated with the product or service.
  • Where practical, we specify products that can be re-used, and/or that are made from recycled materials.
  • We will encourage producer responsibility for their products and services.

Protecting our natural resources and enhancing our environment

  • We reduce the environmental impact of the products and services we buy by using Government Buying Standards wherever they are available, as per our partner Clackmannanshire Council.
  • We ensure that any products derived from wildlife are from sustainable sources and comply with EU and international rules and legislation.
  • We specify benefits for biodiversity in our construction contracts, where possible.